Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fructan vs. Traditional Sweeteners

variety of sugar and artificial sweeteners
All sugars are NOT the same. Traditional sweeteners (fructose, glucose, and sucrose) have two negative problems, which fructan (inulin) either moderates or entirely eliminates:

First, traditional sweeteners offer initial strong, but short energy bursts. Meanwhile, the body’s metabolism drops before and after these traditional sugars enter the blood stream, causing an unhealthy “before sugar depression” and an “after sugar depression.”

These depressions can be eliminated by skillfully blending fructan (inulin) with the sugars, allowing a moderating influence to take effect.

Fructose (fruit sugar), with its low Glycemic Index (23), gives the lowest peak energy curve and the least “before sugar depression” and the least “after sugar depression” among the sugars, glucose, sucrose, and fructose.

Glucose (blood sugar), with its high Glycemic Index (100), gives the highest peak energy curve and the most “before sugar depression” and the most “after sugar depression” among the sugars, glucose, sucrose, and fructose.

Sucrose (table sugar), with its moderately high Glycemic Index (65), is digested most rapidly of the three traditional sugars but has a relatively high “before sugar depression” and a strong “after sugar depression.”

Secondly, don’t forget that ingestion of sugars, too much at a time and too rapidly, can cause nausea, diarrhea, and gastric disturbances.

Diarrhea, nausea, and gastric disturbances caused from taking too much sugar too rapidly can be minimized or eliminated with addition of fructan (inulin).


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